The Preferred Asbestos Removal Control Plan Providers in NSW
Our NSW team uses an asbestos removal control plan following the WHS Codes of Practice. Asbestos is a naturally occurring silicate mineral that causes severe health issues if inhaled. The Australian government banned asbestos use in December 2003 due to its toxicity. However, houses built before 1990 might still contain asbestos.
At Getex, we specialise in removing and safely disposing of asbestos. We are a specialist consulting and testing company in the Work Health & Safety and Environment fields. We have qualified professionals who have actively worked in the industry for most of our lives. Our team is experienced in various projects, from asbestos surveys to hazardous materials, occupational hygiene, and land contamination. We hold NATA accreditations for asbestos inspections and surveys and third-party accreditations for our quality management system. Rest assured, you are dealing with professionals who will complete your work to the highest standards.