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Hazardous Materials Surveys // Getex
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Hazardous Building Materials Surveys

Typically in buildings, hazardous materials apart from asbestos can be lead based paint, lead in dust, synthetic mineral fibres (SMF), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and ozone depleting substances (ODS). These materials may present serious health, safety and/or environmental problems. If high lead levels are found soil sampling for lead may also be required. State and national legislation, guidelines and codes place obligations on building owners, property managers and occupiers to ensure the identification of and the appropriate management and disposal of these materials.

Getex currently holds NATA accreditation for Hazardous Building Materials Inspections (ISO 17020) and so can confidently survey, identify and report these hazardous materials together with your Asbestos Register creating a high standard Hazardous Building Materials Register for your premises.

Site Contamination Hazardous Materials Work Health Safety Remediation Training Urgent Response Strategy