Soil Reuse & Recovery
Reducing the generation of waste and turning it into recoverable resources are priorities for NSW and Australia. Therefore a push for resource recovery is being driven by the regulators with an economic incentive to reduce waste disposal and stimulate investment and innovation in resource recovery technologies.
The waste levy is expected to rise continually over the next few years therefore soil reuse is becoming a major economic as well as an environmental factor for all parties involved.
Soil recovery material is material that is intended for land application outside of its original location and use. Typical soil recovery material is Virgin Excavated Natural Material (VENM) and Excavated Natural Material (ENM).
Getex has the experience, qualifications and expertise to provide you with the service you need to obtain a soil re-use/recovery report in a short time frame. Ask us to advise you on the necessary steps to obtain a soil re-use/recovery report so that you don’t get caught waiting for one.