Site Contamination Assessment
A Site Contamination Assessment is in most cases required as a Development Application Condition that is triggered by an application to change the use or the zoning of the land for a proposed development. Prior to construction activities commencing, the contamination status of the land is required to be assessed to determine if the land is suitable for its intended use.
Site Contamination Assessments are usually broken further into two (2) types:
Preliminary Site Investigation:
The primary aim of a Preliminary or Phase 1 Site Investigation is to determine the potential for the site to contain contamination through historical and present on and off site activities. The investigation may also in some cases include a limited environmental sampling and analysis programme to provide a preliminary/limited evaluation of the contamination status of the site.
Detailed Site Investigation:
A Detailed or Phase 2 Site Investigation is aimed at determining the type, extent and level of contamination; and at assessing the ability and likely pathway of contaminant migration (e.g. contaminant dispersal in air, surface water, groundwater, soil and dust), and the risk posed to people and the environment. This investigation will more likely involve sub-surface soil and groundwater sampling and analysis regimes.