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Cumberland Council Residential Asbestos Inspections // Getex
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Cumberland Council Residential Asbestos Inspections

Getex has partnered with Cumberland Council to trail walkthrough residential asbestos inspections. The program provides free walkthrough residential asbestos inspections for properties located within the Cumberland Council LGA.

So far the program has been a success providing residents with valuable information on the possible locations of asbestos within the home and how to appropriately manage asbestos in the home.
If you are a resident within the Cumberland Council LGA and want to find out more about the program contact Cumberland Council on 98409664.

Additionally Cumberland Council has also provided a great website for information on asbestos in the home.

Vinyl Tiles and Fibre Cement Sheeting are two commonly used materials that could contain asbestos within the home.

If you are not located in the Cumberland Council LGA or you would like a more comprehensive asbestos inspection of your home Getex can assist through conducting an asbestos survey of the home. An asbestos survey is a detailed inspection of the home for asbestos containing materials with samples collected for asbestos analysis if needed. Following an asbestos survey a subsequent asbestos register is produced outlining the locations of any asbestos containing materials within the home, the condition of the asbestos materials and how to manage the asbestos materials.

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