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Asbestos within Strata Managed Buildings // Getex
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Asbestos within Strata Managed Buildings

Asbestos can be present in a number of different locations in commercial or residential strata buildings. Examples of where asbestos containing materials may be found are fire doors, electrical cupboards and wall linings.

Exposure to asbestos fibres may occur if asbestos containing materials are allowed to deteriorate or are disturbed by mechanical or physical actions, such as drilling. It is important that asbestos is identified and managed appropriately.

One effective way to identify and manage asbestos in strata managed buildings is through an asbestos survey where the common and/or commercial areas are surveyed for asbestos containing materials and a subsequent asbestos register is produced outlining the location of any asbestos containing materials within the common areas of the building.

Fibre cement sheeting eaves and fire doors are two common areas that could contain asbestos within strata managed buildings.

Under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 an asbestos register is required in the workplace if the building was constructed before the 31st of December 2003. This includes common areas within commercial or mixed residential/commercial strata buildings.

Residential common areas within Strata Buildings may require an asbestos register if someone is employed (i.e. a caretaker) to carry out a job within the common areas of the building as the status of the building’s common areas alters to a workplace.

Asbestos Registers can help reduce the risk of asbestos materials being disturbed and the potential exposure to workers and occupants and any subsequent costly remediation that may arise.
Unfortunately a common example of asbestos being disturbed in strata buildings is someone accidentally cutting into a fire door containing asbestos.

To help prevent asbestos exposure risks within your building organise an asbestos survey to be conducted for you building today.

Getex has many years of experience in conducting asbestos surveys within strata buildings and holds ISO/IEC 17020 NATA Accreditation in conducting asbestos surveys and providing Asbestos Materials Registers.

If asbestos is found in your building the action required will depend on the location, type and condition of the asbestos. This information will be detailed in your Getex asbestos building materials register. In some cases asbestos may pose little or no risk of exposure and may be maintained in good condition. In other cases the identified asbestos may pose an exposure risk and need to be safely removed by a licensed asbestos removalist. In either case Getex can provide advice and services to assist with the management of asbestos in your workplace or home.

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Site Contamination Hazardous Materials Work Health Safety Remediation Training Urgent Response Strategy